MALT - Design Strand

The design strand of the MALT program has challenged us to consider how the world around us works, identify problems and to think of creative ways to solve those problems. One of the first assignments was to find a problem and a way to address the problem via technology. Next, we identified a learning problem and formed teams to learn how to create a technological solution to the learning problem.
My first problem centered around the idea of a daily issue in our everyday lives "What's for Dinner?" and "What's in the Fridge?" view my presentation of an app that would help solve these problems below.
My first problem centered around the idea of a daily issue in our everyday lives "What's for Dinner?" and "What's in the Fridge?" view my presentation of an app that would help solve these problems below.
SpacePlace - Design ProjectMy design team is made up of three other classmates and myself. We are working on addressing the problem of providing the necessary virtual learning environment that will scaffold the Twenty-First Century Skills of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication. We are in the process of designing an application to address these issues. We have named our application SpacePlace and are using a space theme throughout it's development. View our presentation and shots of our wire frame organized around personas below. To the right is our wireframe in the form of a PDF which was designed using View our SpacePlace website at here.